
Everything You’ve Been Told About Small Business Tax Is Wrong

Dan Nicholson

Did you know that billionaire Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary, Debbie Poissonik? This stark contrast in tax burdens highlights a significant disparity: while individuals like Buffett engage in sophisticated tax planning, many small business owners face rates as high as 40% to 60%. 

Sophisticated investors and big corporations manage to reduce their rates dramatically, sometimes paying as little as zero to 20%. This article unveils the strategies that make such significant savings possible, strategies that are not just for the elite but can be applied by anyone with the right knowledge and structures in place.

Why Wyoming is a Tax Haven for the Wealthy (and How You Can Benefit)

Wyoming, along with Nevada, is one of the seven states in the U.S. that does not impose an income tax. This feature, coupled with the strictest privacy laws in the nation, makes Wyoming a preferred location for forming holding companies. These holding companies can own interests in various businesses, providing a shield against high tax rates and maintaining confidentiality. The flexibility of these structures allows for easy addition of partners and simplification of the process to sell businesses, all while optimizing for various tax deductions.

The Surprising Truth About LLCs and Why Where You From Them Matters

Many small business owners are unaware that the state in which an LLC is formed can significantly impact their tax liabilities. By choosing states like Wyoming for your LLC, you can take advantage of no state income tax and robust privacy laws. This strategic decision is vital because it affects how your business is perceived and taxed by the IRS. Incorporating your business in tax-favorable states is not just for the ultra-rich; it's a viable strategy for anyone looking to legally minimize their tax obligations.

The #1 Tax Mistake That Could Be Costing You Thousands Every Year

One of the biggest tax mistakes small business owners make is not properly structuring their business. By defaulting to a sole proprietorship or not making an S-corp election, many are overpaying on taxes, particularly self-employment taxes. Adjusting your business structure, such as incorporating as an S-corp, where you can pay yourself a reasonable salary and minimize self-employment tax on the remaining profits, or a C-corp, which is taxed at a flat rate and allows for income arbitrage, can drastically reduce your tax bill.

How to Structure Your Business to Minimize Your Taxes (Legally and Ethically)

Structuring your business begins with understanding the different types of entities and the tax implications of each. Incorporating your business as a holding company in a state like Wyoming or Nevada allows you to manage several business entities under one umbrella, optimizing tax advantages. From there, depending on your business's growth and your long-term goals, you might consider strategies such as injecting private placement life insurance into the mix or utilizing advanced strategies like those employed by billionaires. These methods require a greater initial net worth but can significantly protect and enhance your wealth from taxation over time.


Understanding and applying the tax strategies used by the wealthiest Americans is not just about saving money; it's about empowering your financial future. From choosing the right state for your LLC to structuring your business correctly, these strategies are about making informed decisions that align with your business goals and growth trajectory. By being proactive and future-focused, leveraging legal strategies to minimize taxes, and consistently educating yourself on the evolving tax landscape, you can significantly enhance your ability to grow your net worth and reduce your tax liabilities, just like the most sophisticated investors and corporations do. Remember, the goal is not just to reduce taxes but to strategically position your business for long-term financial success.

Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to founding the award-winning accounting and financial consulting firm Nth Degree CPAs, Dan has created and run multiple small businesses, including Certainty U and the Certified Certainty Advisor program.

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