
How AI Is Saving Lives

Dan Nicholson

Artificial intelligence has been one of the hottest topics in pretty much every industry this year. While many fear its potential negative impacts, AI has done a lot of good for humanity so far — and the possibilities for the future are even greater. As experts research and develop uses for the new technology in areas as far-ranging as healthcare, road safety, and weather prediction, the promise AI holds for saving lives is becoming ever clearer.

Smart Healthcare

AI is saving lives in a number of fields, but one of the most significant is healthcare. It is already being used to help healthcare professionals diagnose medical conditions more quickly and accurately, making it easier to provide timely care for a greater number of patients. 

The tech company Health Catalyst has created AI-powered platforms that can help doctors predict which patients are most likely to relapse, forecast chronic illness, and prevent hospital-acquired infections. Other promising studies have looked into how AI can improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and stroke.

Safer Roads

Driverless cars have been around for a while now but have failed to take off completely due to questions about their safety. Now, AI offers new possibilities not only for guiding cars but also for testing them before they hit the road. An interconnected, AI-powered system of autonomous cars has the potential to greatly reduce accidents caused by drunk driving and human error.

As driverless vehicles become more common, concerns about the safety of pedestrians and cyclists have grown. !important is an app that harnesses the power of AI to enhance road safety for vulnerable road users by sharing the user's location coordinates with nearby automated or linked vehicles. If a connected vehicle approaches a vulnerable user, the app triggers automatic braking to prevent potential accidents.

Predicting Extreme Weather

Artificial intelligence has the potential to save lives by predicting the landfall location of hurricanes far earlier than conventional forecasting techniques. The BBC reported on a new forecasting technology developed by Google, which predicted the location of a hurricane three days faster than traditional models. 

In order to understand how weather patterns change, Google DeepMind’s GraphCast uses machine learning to process enormous amounts of historical data. According to one of the tool’s creators, Remy Lam, "The main advantage of this AI approach is that it's extremely accurate." Earlier and more accurate warning systems give people better opportunities to evacuate or prepare for incoming storms.

National Security Systems

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Defense announced the opening of its new AI Security Center, which aims to apply AI to national defense. National Security Agency Director Army Gen. Paul M. Nakasone commented that "AI will be increasingly consequential for national security,” pointing to the potential applications of new technologies in improving citizen safety.

Safer Swimming Pools

An artificial intelligence system that notifies lifeguards when a swimmer needs help is being developed to improve swimming pool safety. The technology developed by Israeli company Lynxight analyzes swimmer behavior using standard security cameras and AI software. The system can provide lifeguards with real-time insights both above and below the water, instantly notifying them via smartwatches about anyone who might need help.

Mitigating Climate Change

David Rolnick of McGill University School of Computer Science shared his insights into how AI could mitigate the effects of climate change in an article by The Guardian. AI’s data-processing power can help us make sense of big data quickly, for example, by using pictures from satellites to track deforestation or predict where flooding might happen. It can also optimize our existing systems to reduce our energy usage and carbon emissions. AI can help us generate models for the future, such as how much power we'll need or where storms might go, and it speeds up climate simulations so we can respond faster to changes.


The potential of AI in life-saving technology is immense, and its positive impact on healthcare and safety is already evident. If we are able to develop AI conscientiously and safely, the future looks promising. From enhancing medicine to preventing accidents and disasters, AI offers a spectrum of life-saving applications. By harnessing the power of AI for the greater good, we pave the way for a future where technology saves lives and improves well-being across the globe.



NHS Health Research

Stanford University


U.S. Department of Defense


The Guardian

Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to founding the award-winning accounting and financial consulting firm Nth Degree CPAs, Dan has created and run multiple small businesses, including Certainty U and the Certified Certainty Advisor program.

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