
Technology Addiction: Unmasking the Silent Threat to Adult Well-Being

Dr. Stacy Livingston

In the midst of the digital age's unparalleled convenience, a silent threat lurks: technology addiction. Gone are the days of casual "people watching" in public spaces, replaced by individuals fixated on their phones, be it at coffee shops, restaurants, airports, or even grocery stores. Children also find themselves immersed in digital devices during family outings, losing opportunities for crucial social and conversational skills development.

There are significant dangers of pathological technology use that impact neurological, psychological, and social well-being, including the six most common types of addiction. From gaming to online shopping, this pervasive issue demands recognition and understanding. By arming ourselves with knowledge, we can take control of our digital lives and avoid becoming victims.

The Hidden Perils of Excessive Technology Use

In 2020, the World Health Organization officially recognized digital dependence as a global issue, highlighting the critical need to address the impact of excessive online activity on adults. While digital devices have become ingrained in our work and personal lives, their excessive use can lead to a multitude of often-overlooked consequences. These include neurological issues such as disrupted sleep patterns and decreased cognitive function, along with psychological effects like anxiety, depression, and social isolation.

According to PubMed, chronic effects of digital addiction and exposure to blue light are linked to disturbances in neurotransmitter systems, including GABAergic and glutamatergic systems. It also affects dopamine and serotonin in the brain which are essential for impulse control, memory, and sleep function. Eating disorders have also been linked to digital addiction.

In extreme cases, technology addiction can even be fatal. The negative impacts extend beyond individual well-being, affecting careers, education, relationships, and physical health, demanding proactive intervention. Remote workers and freelancers face additional challenges as the constant screen exposure leads to burnout, eye strain, and blurred work-personal boundaries. 

Recognizing the Warning Signs: A Call for Awareness

Identifying signs of technology addiction is crucial for effective intervention. Many adults struggle to moderate their technology use, leading to the neglect of important areas of their lives and the emergence of unwanted mental health symptoms. Although a formal diagnosis in the U.S. is currently unavailable, increased awareness can pave the way for acknowledging and addressing this growing problem.

From Gaming to Shopping: A Deep Dive into the Digital Abyss

Knowing what signs to look for empowers individuals and concerned family members to recognize potential technology addiction. Here are some common types according to Rutgers University:

  1. Gaming addiction: The dopamine release and false sense of social interaction associated with gaming make it highly addictive. Additionally, it often overlaps with gambling addictions.

  2. Social media addiction: The constant scrolling triggers the release of feel-good neurotransmitters, creating a powerful pull and a fear of missing out.

  3. Online gambling addiction: Recognized formally by the American Psychiatric Association, this form of addiction links pathological digital use with virtual gambling, tragically increasing the risk of suicide.

  4. Pornography addiction: This addiction involves compulsive viewing and deeply impacts real-life relationships, causing feelings of shame, guilt, and loneliness.

  5. Online shopping addiction: This form of addiction allows individuals to temporarily escape negative emotions through the thrill of browsing and purchasing.

  6. Work-related digital addiction: While being recognized for hard work is important, using work as an escape can negatively impact relationships, mental health, and overall well-being.

Tools and Techniques to Break the Cycle

Fortunately, there are numerous tools and techniques available to support individuals in breaking free from digital addiction and cultivating a thriving life. These include:

  • Setting boundaries: Implementing time limits and utilizing phone features like "screen time" settings can help establish healthy boundaries around digital usage.
  • Accountability partnerships: Enlisting the support of family or friends to monitor progress and offer encouragement can be a powerful tool.
  • Digital detox: Taking breaks from technology, even for short periods, can provide valuable time for real-world interaction and self-reflection.

Research has shown that managing screen time leads to significant improvements in various areas of life. Decreased burnout, stress, and anxiety are accompanied by increased focus, efficiency, sleep quality, and physical health. A study by San Diego State University pointed out that optimizing screen time, instead of simply minimizing it, while setting intentional goals for the usage actually increased productivity and created higher user satisfaction. 


Technology addiction poses a real threat to adult well-being, and the next generation as well. From understanding its subtle signs to recognizing the various types, the pandemic served as a wake-up call to humanity about the dangers of excessive technology use. Recognition, awareness, and a balanced approach are essential in mitigating the impact of this growing issue. As we navigate the digital landscape and raise future generations to face these challenges, let us remain vigilant and intentional in our relationship with technology. By fostering a healthier and more mindful use of these tools, we can ensure that technology serves as a positive force in our lives.




NeuroHealth Associates

American Academy of Anti-Aging, Preventative, and Regenerative Medicine
San Diego State University
Rutgers University

This article was originally published in Certainty News. [Article Link]

Dr. Livingston enjoys taking care of patients from the mild to the wild. He is the doctor for you, if you have been to other places and told there was nothing that could be done for your or told “It’s all in your head”. He accepts all types of cases including workers compensation, auto accident and personal injury cases. He believes chiropractic can help everyone add life to their years and get them back to doing what they love.

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