
The UAW Strike’s Potential Impacts on the Economy and Housing Market

Dan Nicholson

The recent United Auto Workers (UAW) strike has taken center stage in economic discussions across the U.S. As the strike's ramifications reverberate across the automotive sector, experts are analyzing the potential downstream effects on the broader U.S. economy, and by extension, the housing market.

Understanding the Strike's Magnitude

The UAW strike’s scale distinguishes it from other labor disputes.. For the first time in American history, the union is simultaneously targeting all of the “Big Three” automakers—companies that together dominate nearly half of the U.S. car market.

Initial estimations predicted a shorter-lived strike, but given the significant disagreements between both parties, experts now forecast a prolonged dispute that could last a couple of months. The longevity of this strike has serious implications for the U.S. economy.

Potential Economic Repercussions

Workers' Perspective: With plants non-operational, workers are deprived of their regular income. While the UAW's strike fund offers some reprieve, providing $500 weekly to members, it's a temporary solution. Extended strikes could deplete these funds and even unemployment benefits, leaving workers financially strained.

Manufacturers' Perspective: As operations grind to a halt, car companies will lose out on substantial revenues. Brands unaffected by the strike, notably electric-vehicle makers, may experience a revenue boost during this period.

Suppliers: Those supplying parts to the affected manufacturers will face economic stagnation due to reduced demand.

Downstream Effects: The consequences of the strike will ripple through the economy. Car dealerships, for instance, might temporarily shut down due to insufficient inventory.

Economically, experts anticipate the strike to slash Q4 GDP by 0.2 to 0.4 percentage points. The current annual GDP growth hovers around 3-4%.

Prices and Inflation

The automotive industry, already grappling with supply chain disruptions from the pandemic, faces further inventory shortages due to the strike. Reduced supply could inflate car prices, complicating the Fed's ongoing battle against inflation.

Stocks and Bonds

A prolonged strike with severe macroeconomic implications might lead to turbulence in financial markets, potentially causing stock prices to plummet and wider credit spreads in bond markets.

Additional Economic Concerns

Several other concerns could compound the effects of the UAW strike:

  • The existing SAG and WGA strikes have already cost California, the world's 5th largest economy, an estimated $3 billion.
  • Political disagreements might lead to a government shutdown by October 1, further exacerbating economic concerns.

Considering these potential hurdles, predictions for Q3 GDP growth hover between 3% to 4%, with Q4 GDP growth estimates reduced to a mere 1% to 2% annually.

Implications for the Housing Market

Possible Decrease in Rates: A broader economic slowdown might prompt the Fed to maintain or reduce interest rates. Such a move could potentially drive down mortgage rates, invigorating the housing market by attracting potential buyers and sellers.

Potential for Elevated Rates: Conversely, the inflationary pressures from rising car prices might push the Fed towards rate hikes, ensuring that mortgage rates remain high.

Local Market Impacts

Regions directly impacted by the UAW strike, such as Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri, will likely witness a slump in housing market activity due to reduced incomes and economic uncertainty.


The UAW strike, given its unprecedented scale, undoubtedly poses significant challenges for the U.S. economy. Its ultimate impact on the housing market remains contingent on a multitude of factors, ranging from the strike's duration to broader economic developments. As the situation unfolds, all eyes will be on the Fed and its responses to these multifaceted challenges.



Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to founding the award-winning accounting and financial consulting firm Nth Degree CPAs, Dan has created and run multiple small businesses, including Certainty U and the Certified Certainty Advisor program.

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