
Where Will Venture Capital Go in 2024?

Dan Nicholson

In 2024, the venture capital landscape is undergoing a profound transformation. With technological advancements and changing global dynamics, several key trends are shaping investment preferences. As markets continue to evolve throughout the year, staying ahead requires an understanding of these trends and the ability to predict upcoming shifts.

Expect a Cautious Return to Investment

While the venture capital industry faced significant challenges in 2023, signs of resilience and optimism emerged in 2024. Marcos Fernandez, managing partner at Fiat Ventures, shared a cautious outlook with Business Insider: “We anticipate that fundraising markets will open up in 2024 when compared to 2023, but it'll still be a challenging environment.” VCs anticipate a slight improvement in the funding market compared to 2023, driven by the potential for renewed investor interest and a thawing market. This is good news for startups — though there will still be stiff competition for funding.

In the latest PitchBook-NVCA Venture Monitor report, Heather Gates shared her perspective on the state of the IPO. “It appears the IPO market is once again beginning to thaw, albeit slowly,” she wrote. Certain venture-capital-backed companies are reaching maturity and choosing to go public, aiming to access broader capital markets and achieve healthy returns. This trend is expected to continue in 2024, providing valuable liquidity opportunities for VCs and signaling a return to normalcy in the IPO market.

AI as a Major Focus

Artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming the driving force behind transformative innovation across industries. With AI's potential to transform industries such as healthcare, finance, and customer service, venture capitalists are keenly interested. Platforms like OpenAI have proven the immense potential of AI in harnessing data, automation, and machine learning to tackle complex challenges. This will likely motivate more investment in AI-based enterprises, though these will need to be based on specific uses and needs in order to capture attention.

Shifting Sectors of Interest

Areas once considered unattractive in the VC realm, such as preventative healthcare, defense technology, and biotechnology, are now emerging as promising investment opportunities. These sectors, often overlooked due to their complexity or perceived lack of glamor, are now viewed as critical to addressing pressing global challenges. The integration of AI and software in these fields holds the potential to build economically sustainable models and revolutionize these industries' potential.

According to StartUs Insights’ review of venture capital funding in 2023, certain sectors can be expected to thrive this year. The report identifies energy, telecommunications, industrial processes, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, oil & gas, media and entertainment, chemistry, materials, and clothing as the industries expected to dominate investment activity. These sectors reflect broader trends shaping society and the global economy, highlighting the VC community's commitment to addressing pressing challenges and driving innovation.

A Generational Change

As Baby Boomer-owned businesses are passed down or sold to younger generations, the entrepreneurial landscape is likely to take on a fresh look. This generational shift will bring new perspectives, diverse approaches, and a renewed emphasis on sustainability and social impact. 

On top of that, analysts predict a huge transfer of wealth as Millenials and Gen X inherit $70 trillion from Boomers. The influx of capital from this generation of business owners is expected to fuel transformative changes across various industries. Indeed, VC is already becoming younger and more diverse—Venture Capital Trust Association research shows the average age of the current VCT investor has dropped by 11 years over the past six years.

Investor-Founder Alignment for Meaningful Collaboration

The recent market volatility and the challenges faced by startups have highlighted the importance of investor-founder alignment. Finding the right partners who understand the startup's vision, provide mission-critical expertise, and are committed to long-term success is crucial for navigating the turbulent market. 

Giuseppe Stuto, co-founder and managing partner at 186 Ventures, predicts, “As we move into 2024, a premium will be placed on VCs who can deliver critical startup know-how along with a laser focus on the seed stage on behalf of founders.” VCs are increasingly focusing on seed-stage investments, recognizing the importance of nurturing early-stage companies and providing the support they need to thrive.


These trends paint a dynamic and evolving picture of the VC landscape in 2024. Technological advancements, shifting business ownership dynamics, and a strategic commitment to innovative and sustainable solutions across various sectors are shaping the future of VC investment. As we move forward, VCs will play a critical role in nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs, addressing pressing global challenges, and driving economic growth and societal progress.


Business Insider

StartUs Insights’


NBC News

Venture Capital Trust Association


Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to founding the award-winning accounting and financial consulting firm Nth Degree CPAs, Dan has created and run multiple small businesses, including Certainty U and the Certified Certainty Advisor program.

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