
Why Businesses Must Invest in Behavioral Health

Dr. Stacy Livingston

As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of employee wellbeing for the success of the company as a whole, there is a growing awareness of mental and behavioral health issues. The prioritization of behavioral health (BH) in the corporate sector is not just a passing trend but a fundamental shift in how companies approach the well-being of their employees. This investment in BH is proving to be a crucial factor in the growth and sustainability of businesses. 

A Growing Imperative for Behavioral Health Support

Mental health concerns are reaching unprecedented levels globally. The World Health Organization recently reported a 25% increase in depression and anxiety since 2005, a trend mirrored in the workplace. Stress, burnout, and mental health challenges are impacting employee well-being and productivity, prompting businesses to prioritize BH initiatives. 

Despite an increase in such initiatives, employees want more to be offered. A 2023 survey by The Harris Poll revealed that 81% of workers feel that employers have an obligation to prioritize their employees’ mental health. Yet only three in 10 working adults have access to mental or behavioral health services through their employer.

Ignoring the behavioral health of employees can have dire consequences for businesses, including increased absenteeism, reduced productivity, higher turnover rates, and a negative company culture. The financial implications are also significant, with the World Health Organization estimating that depression and anxiety cost the global economy $1 trillion per year in lost productivity.

Why Invest in Behavioral Health?

Investing in BH offers numerous benefits. A healthier workforce is inherently more productive, creative, and engaged. As noted in an article for Psychology Today, “Mental health and productivity are closely linked. Poor mental health, manifesting most often as depression, anxiety, or burnout, can severely decrease motivation and production while increasing stress.”

Companies that prioritize mental health report lower turnover rates, attract top talent and have a competitive edge in their market. Additionally, there's a positive impact on the company's image; businesses are increasingly recognized for their commitment to employee well-being, which can enhance brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Investing in BH and integrating it into the corporate structure is not just a moral imperative but a strategic business decision. The benefits extend beyond the well-being of employees to impact the bottom line positively. Companies that are proactive in their BH efforts are seen as industry leaders, setting standards for workplace wellness that attract the best talents and retain them.

Moreover, the societal shift towards prioritizing mental health means that businesses must adapt to stay relevant. Consumers and employees alike are increasingly valuing companies that take a holistic approach to wellness, including mental health. By investing in BH, businesses not only contribute to the well-being of their employees but also position themselves as forward-thinking and socially responsible entities in the eyes of their stakeholders.

Growing Opportunities in Behavioral Health Roles

Recognizing the importance of BH, many companies are now creating executive roles dedicated to overseeing mental health strategies. Positions such as chief wellness officer (CWO) and director of employee well-being are becoming commonplace. These leaders are tasked with integrating BH initiatives into the company's core values and operations, ensuring that mental health considerations are part of decision-making processes at the highest levels.

The creation of these roles signifies a strategic shift towards recognizing BH as a critical component of organizational success. These executives are responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive BH programs that address the diverse needs of the workforce. They also play a crucial role in breaking down the stigma associated with mental health, encouraging open conversations, and promoting a culture of support and inclusivity.


The trend towards prioritizing behavioral health in the business world is a clear indicator of its importance in today's corporate landscape. The risks of neglecting this aspect of employee wellness are too significant to ignore, while the rewards of investing in it are manifold. With the emergence of dedicated roles and executive leadership positions focused on BH, it's evident that this is more than a passing trend—it's a fundamental shift in how businesses operate. Companies that recognize and act on the importance of behavioral health are poised for success, making it a win-win situation for both employees and the business as a whole.



The Harris Poll

World Health Organization

Psychology Today 

Dr. Livingston enjoys taking care of patients from the mild to the wild. He is the doctor for you, if you have been to other places and told there was nothing that could be done for your or told “It’s all in your head”. He accepts all types of cases including workers compensation, auto accident and personal injury cases. He believes chiropractic can help everyone add life to their years and get them back to doing what they love.

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