
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Battling Jet Lag

Dr. Stacy Livingston

For entrepreneurs frequently traveling across time zones for business meetings, conferences, and other crucial engagements, the debilitating effects of jet lag can be a significant hurdle. 

The reality of landing in a new time zone, fatigued, groggy, and out of sync can jeopardize critical business and productivity. Numerous methods to fight jet lag exist, but recent studies from Northwestern University and the Santa Fe Institute unveiled groundbreaking findings.

Understanding the Internal Clocks

Before delving into the new findings, it's essential to grasp the concept of circadian rhythms. Every individual possesses an internal master clock located in the brain, specifically in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). This clock regulates the daily routines and functions of our body. Alongside this master clock, we have multiple peripheral clocks present in almost every organ, which unlike the SCN, are majorly influenced by patterns of feeding and fasting, rather than light.

Historically, studies either focused on the SCN's function or the molecular interactions within cells that contribute to our internal clocks. This recent study stands out because it combined these two areas, offering a more holistic understanding of how our body's multiple clocks function in tandem and under various external cues.

A Holistic Approach to Circadian Rhythms

Led by Yitong Huang, the researchers used mathematical models to understand how light exposure and food intake impact our circadian rhythms. Through this method, they hoped to simulate the human body's response to various time cues and, importantly, how these cues can help recalibrate our internal clocks after jet lag.

The findings highlighted two main insights. Firstly, there's an east-west asymmetry in our circadian response to jet lag. Secondly, and perhaps more pertinent to the jet-lagged entrepreneur, the importance of meal timing was underscored.

The Simple Solution: A Hearty Breakfast

According to the study, having a larger meal in the early morning of a new time zone can significantly alleviate the effects of jet lag. Conversely, frequently shifting meal times or indulging in a large meal at night can cause misalignment between our internal clocks, exacerbating the effects of jet lag.

For entrepreneurs, this could be a game-changer. Business trips often involve dinners, late-night meetings, or networking events. But if we shift our focus to having a substantial breakfast upon arrival in a new time zone, we can realign our body's circadian rhythms more swiftly and reduce the downtime caused by jet lag.

Aging, Jet Lag, and Resilience

It's not just about meals, though. The study also delved into the resilience of the circadian system, particularly as we age. Older individuals tend to recover more slowly from jet lag, primarily due to weakened signals from the aging brain's SCN. This leads to peripheral clocks becoming disorganized, taking longer to recover after a significant time shift.

For aging entrepreneurs or business leaders, understanding these nuances is crucial. Adopting strategies to realign their body clocks faster like suggested meal timings, can be a valuable tool in maintaining energy and focus during business trips.


For people globe-trotting on tight schedules, jet lag can be more than a mere inconvenience—it can impact their business's bottom line. These new insights might help. Prioritize a hearty breakfast, understand your body's internal clocks, and ensure you're giving yourself the best chance to hit the ground running on your next business trip. The results? Enhanced productivity, focus, and a more enjoyable travel experience.


Men's Journal

Science Alert

Dr. Livingston enjoys taking care of patients from the mild to the wild. He is the doctor for you, if you have been to other places and told there was nothing that could be done for your or told “It’s all in your head”. He accepts all types of cases including workers compensation, auto accident and personal injury cases. He believes chiropractic can help everyone add life to their years and get them back to doing what they love.

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