
Command Your Brand: Leveraging Media for Impact with Jeremy Slate

Dan Nicholson

Jeremy Ryan Slate is the host of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world. He studied literature at Oxford University, as well as holding a master’s in early Roman Empire Propaganda from Seton Hall University. His podcast was named the #1 Podcast to Listen to by INC Magazine in 2019, as well as Top 40 Under 40 by Podcast Magazine in 2022.

Jeremy and his wife, Brielle, co-founded Command Your Brand—a new media public relations agency designed to help entrepreneurs share their message by appearing as guests on podcasts.

Listen to this informative Unconventional Wealth Podcast episode with Jeremy Slate about commanding your brand and leveraging media for impact.

Here is what to expect on this week’s show:

- Recognizing the value of time and money in decision-making

- Significance of perseverance and resilience in achieving success

- Drawbacks of consumer debt and importance of tax strategies for financial stability

- Leveraging small pond strategies for media coverage and credibility

- Highlighting the significance of taking risks and following happiness

Links Mentioned:


Guest Contact Info:

X: https://twitter.com/JeremyRyanSlate

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremyryanslate/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jeremyryanslate/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-ryan-slate-bb7b284a/

Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to founding the award-winning accounting and financial consulting firm Nth Degree CPAs, Dan has created and run multiple small businesses, including Certainty U and the Certified Certainty Advisor program.

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