
Playing the Long Game from the NFL to Finance with Jedidiah Collins

Dan Nicholson

What do a professional football player and a financial planner have in common? As it turns out, the answer is a strong sense of goal orientation, exceptional perseverance, and the ability to reverse-engineer the process of reaching the finish line.

Jedidiah Collins’ eclectic story began with a record-breaking stint in college football at Washington State, followed by 8 years in the NFL, much of which was spent with the Saints. The wealth of knowledge and strategy he gained there unexpectedly carried over to a financial planning career with industry giant Brighton Jones. Ever evolving, Jedidiah got involved with speaking and went on to start the Rookie to Veteran podcast, where he dedicates himself to teaching others the ins and outs of financial fitness.  

On this episode of the Rigging the Game podcast, Dan and Jedidiah share insights on topics ranging from the lessons we can take from Drew Brees’ practice rituals, how journaling connects you to both your loved ones and yourself, and the critical importance of beginning with the end in mind.

What You’ll Learn

  • How incremental gains add up to a lofty goal
  • Why following the process will bring the results to you
  • What Oreos have to do with your spending habits
  • And much more

Dan Nicholson is the author of “Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms,” deemed a best-seller by USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. In addition to founding the award-winning accounting and financial consulting firm Nth Degree CPAs, Dan has created and run multiple small businesses, including Certainty U and the Certified Certainty Advisor program.

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Rigging the Game Podcast
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